Monday 8 August 2016

Elegant elephant

In the wilderness of Africa a graceful elephant dwells,wandering the plains in Africa leaving only its footprints behind.

This animal has loose, dull, grey skin, it's rough to the touch. It has floppy enormous ears and small moon coloured tusks also a long thick tube like trunk.

The elephants live in herds in the sweltering hot plains of Africa. They walk as far as the plains go. 

The big elephants protect the younger smaller weaker elephants. They coat themselves in thick dark mud, it works like sunscreen to protect them from the heat.They use their long trunks to suck up water and spray each other clean also they spray water into their mouths that's how they drink.

Elephants are beautiful and amazing animals not often given credit for that.                      

1 comment:

  1. Informative and descriptive - impressive writing. From Ms Copping.


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