Thursday 28 July 2016

The eye

The Eye - Story starter!
In the sweltering depths of the misty marsh, it lay there. Waiting.
The eye was as green as the grass in a garden on a summer day, but much more deadly. It was speckled with gold, like the brightest stars shimmering in the sky at night, but much more deadly.
As if in a peaceful slumber, the eye stretched itself out, scales covering its body from snout to tail. It lay there hungry waiting... 

Nearby an Antelope with his fur shimmering in the morning sun, walks down to a nearby lagoon that is near the Eye.
The Eye hungrier than ever stays still so he won't be seen. The Creature is Waiting for the best time to pounce…….

The Antelope is looking around carefully for danger. He is getting the sense that something or someone is watching. The Eye can't wait any longer. The Eye has unveiled his identity. In a second he is in mid-air ready to catch his dinner. 

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