Wednesday 27 July 2016

The Eye


The Eye - Story starter!
In the sweltering depths of the misty marsh, it lay there. Waiting.
The eye was as green as the grass in a garden on a summer day, but much more deadly. It was speckled with gold, like the brightest stars shimmering in the sky at night, but much more deadly.
As if in a peaceful slumber, the creature stretched itself out, scales covering its body from snout to tail. It lay there, waiting...

... mouth wide open, sharp teeth pointing in all  different directions, they look as if you were looking into a  snout with swords hanging from the mouth  but much more deadly. Then suddenly  the deadly looking eyes switch to a nearby bird swimming in the murky water . The scaly creature gracefully dived under the water . It looked as though a submarine was moving into the depths of the ocean but much more deadly. All of a sudden the huge  creatures eyes  were  coming to the surface. The clueless bird sat there staring into the distance as the dangerous creature was gaining on it and the only thing visible were the glistening eyes. The horrible creature slowly rose from where it was stalking its prey . Without warning the marvelous creature leaped out of the water and dived bombed the poor bird.  Now you could see the whole creature from snout to tail. The struggling bird was frantically trying to get free. All of a sudden everything froze except the noise of the thrashing teeth.
    I think that it is a crocodile.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, we thoroughly enjoyed reading that. What excellent description, it made us feel like we were there watching. Well done!

    Linley and Lucy Steele :-)


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